Getting Started / Hello World

The past couple days working on this website has been the big new thing. I really love coding it turns out! I find it so easy to get into the flow of the activity. Like seeing my work pay off with a real interactible website is so cool! I think I like this more than the C++ coding I did for that class. Anyone who knows lots about coding is probably like "uuuuuh yeah dude c++ blows" well I disagree! I like it because it works so good in me noggin' =}.

Additionally this past week!

I had a midterm for my intro to proof class. Pretty good test, I think it was a reasonable difficulty, good timing, I think I did pretty well too! Exciting because I'm starting to see the proofs come together. I've taken a logic class and part of it included probability so some of this class has been a refresher on that. Truth tables... shuddering thinking of all those truth tables. But something new from that class: Counting! That's right I just learned how to count to 9. But like, counting large numbers of things, counting combinations of things, etc. Apparently this is scraping the surface of combinatorics. Cool stuff!

I gave my talk about decomposing the parallel postulate & non-euclidean geometry. That was fun! I am still pretty nervous about talking in front of people especially when presenting my ideas, feel very vulnerable. There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere, vulnerability, submissiveness, etc.
But it was cool! Apparently the professor was anticipating a talk about Euclid's contribution as the compilation of all those different theorems and putting them all in the one book, proving things using theorems and such. Howevah! He liked the talk and learned something new about the theorems and such, and appreciated the detail. So overall a win! Good grade incoming I believe. =}
Also! Working on writing my short paper on the history on nonlinear systems. It's only gonna be max. 4 pages so it's a reaaallll cursory glance lol, maybe could've picked a smaller topic. Will likely upload it here after it's finalized and submitted.

Last thing: I painted again for the first time in a while! Stone (boyfriend) invited me over and we used his art supplies. I painted a little fleshy form hanging in a space. I like it, it definitely has shape and a good movement. It was mostly a study in how to mix colors for highlights and shadows for me. I'm really not great at composing paintings yet, working on getting the basics down, but this felt like a great study! Like when you're just working on drawing hands and then boom you get a perfect one and you just want to hang it up. (I did hang it up). I'll set up a little art zone and post it there! Okay that seems like a good place to wrap up this post. I guess I could talk a little about learning abt partial derivatives and the differential... Nah.

See you next time!