
Everything's comin' up Bone-house over here. I have been walking around feeling like I'm ending this quarter on such a strong note. Feeling like I've really found something that fits me with the study of Math. Never really felt that way in Poli-Sci/Econ. On the last day of my History of Math class we watched a documentary about Yitang Zhang, pretty unknown mathematician who was working at the University of New Hampshire. Out of nowhere he comes up with this incredible proof of bounded gaps between primes, which has sparked a huge wave of people getting really close (closer than ever before) to proving the twin primes conjecture. Real cool stuff and while I'm not a number theorist so twin primes isn't super cool to me, Zhang feels deeply accessible as a human in that film to me. Just feel like he's so real, and I understand a bit what he feels. He likes people well enough, but doesn't really like the complicated people stuff like fame. He has to take breaks away from people to just go and think about math. He's just like me fr. Anyway that made me feel vindicated in my choice of this path. So at risk of saying a bit too much about myself on the internet, I'm trans. Soon I'm getting a gender-affirming surgery. I'm very excited about this and I've been waiting a while, it feels like I'll finally feel like me when I look in the mirror. Well, after recovery that is.

What's goin' on otherwise?

Uhhhhhh idk I'm starting to get pretty used to the features currently on the website. Feeling like I could add some more stuff, test my coding abilities and learn some more in the process. I think that's really all I don't have a lot to say! Finals are soon, after that I will probably have a good amount of stuff to put on here, as I take the next few days to review all the material.

Check out that documentary on Yitang (Tom) Zhang here

Til next time,